As investors, we can't help but love founders. Without them, we wouldn't have a reason to do what we do. If there weren't people out there with a true entrepreneurial spirit, launching new businesses and disrupting markets, we wouldn't be able to partner to help them scale their operations and take their companies to the next level.
So suffice it to say, we really care about the founder of a company. When we look at founders to figure out if they'll be a good match to work with, there's a lot that we consider. But across partnerships with software companies, established over years of working with our portfolio, we've identified three core traits that the best founders have in common. In our video, "How Important is the Founder of a Company," Ryan Hinkle, a Managing Partner at Insight, discusses those three standout traits and how they come to life in the marketplace.
In simplest terms, a founder needs to have a vision for where the product can go, an ability to understand how that product fits into the larger marketplace and an ability to get employees on board with where the business is going and how it is getting there. Watch the full video to get more details from Hinkle and learn exactly what it is that investors are thinking when they consider the role of the founder in a business' success.