Pivot Your Product Strategy Based on New Realities

Insight Partners | May 27, 2020| 1 min. read

Many have referred the COVID-19 crisis as "The Great Pause" and while some aspects of life have slowed down, that does not mean that your product strategy should too. 

Insight has partnered with Crosslake to host this webinar to help you reimagine your Product Strategy based on the new ‘on the ground’ realities. We will help you to engage with your stakeholders to understand the new direction for your business and how to clarify these directives. Using a pre-defined framework, we walk you through how to transform this new direction into reality and explain how to provide optionality including an impact assessment on your product offerings and your product organization. We will close by sharing an M&A evaluation checklist for your investors.
In this recorded webinar, the speakers shared tips and tricks for driving digital transformation throughout your organization, including:

  • Ways to Pivot Your Strategy – External & Internal Lens
  • Evolving Your Go-To-Market Strategy
  • How to Move Your Path Forward
  • Redesigning Your Roadmap for This New Reality
  • A Detailed Framework for M&A Evaluation
  • Product Organization Evolution – Physical & Virtual

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