Product Accelerator: Creating an Actionable Product Strategy

Insight Onsite | May 30, 2019| 1 min. read

What is the missing link in how businesses think about product strategy?

Shelley Perry, an Operating Partner at Insight, explained that understanding product strategy means going beyond the basic definition of what it is. In her work with CEOs, she's found that many executives have a great vision of where they want the product to go. But companies that want to scale-up their SaaS business quickly need to have more than a high-level vision for the future.

The missing link in the product strategy often comes in figuring out how to get to the future vision. Rapidly scaling businesses typically know what they want, but encounter issues because the product strategy only defines where they want the product to go.

In the video above, Shelley details the importance of giving employees a strategy to move the product forward. You'll want the organization to buy into the steps you want it to take to drive your product forward. In our experience, this process is often the missing link in product strategy planning. Seriously considering the link between where your product is and where you want it to be can result in actionable gains to scale your business and get employees on board with the progress. Check out the video to learn more.