Implement a Reliable & Repeatable Candidate Friendly Process

September 16, 2019| 1 min. read

 In a competitive talent market, it’s critical to demonstrate that the company cares about its employees.  The most effective way to do this is to genuinely care about the candidates in your process.  Simple tactics go a long way, like timely and clear communication and a reasonable number of steps in the process with visibility into those steps upfront.  Candidates select companies based on their impression of the professionalism and culture during the recruiting process.

We’ve observed that successful teams consistently implement these 5 basic steps in their hiring process:

  • Generate pipeline – often handled by internal and/or external recruiters
  • Filter – a multi-measure pre-hire assessment to filter candidates at the top of the funnel
  • Assess – initial screening interviews, most likely conducted via phone but possibly in-person
  • Diligence – evaluation of a sample work product or a skills test, in-person interviews with key stakeholders, and reference checks
  • Close – candidate-driven meetings and information requests, and often done in parallel with reference checks 

To learn more best practices, check out our article Five Secrets to Successful Hiring