Not all investors are created equal. Some are hands-off, providing some capital, but ultimately largely remove themselves, hoping for a return down the line. Some are a little more involved. They give you money, but expect to step in and take a controlling position in your business so they can protect their investment and get the return they want. Many fall somewhere in the middle of those extremes.
But beyond the level of interaction you'll get with an investor, many partners will also take a different approach to delivering the benefits they offer and supporting your business. Ryan Hinkle, a Managing Partner at Insight, explains what makes us unique in the video, "What are Insight's Value Drivers?"
Ryan explains that there are three key elements that make Insight stand out:
- Our laser focus on software, meaning that our portfolio companies face common challenges. As such, we know what you're dealing with and the way software companies talk about their business.
- Our scale of operations, giving us a vast repository of knowledge and ability to recognize patterns across business.
- Our experience working at scale and pace, exposing us to the inner workings of the software industry in a unique way.
These three core elements of our identity take shape in how we interact with software companies in our portfolio. Ryan unpacks them in more detail in the video, highlighting what we can do for businesses we work with. Watch it now to learn more.