Establishing, Scaling and Measuring the Impact of Community-Led Growth

Insight Partners | May 19, 2022| 1 min. read

In the past year, community-led growth has emerged as a hot topic for SaaS companies in all stages of growth. While it is still early days for the motion – only 25% of companies in our portfolio have established communities – the leading indicators show that the motion is about to explode in adoption. While these are generally companies that feature self-serve, technical products mainly targeting developers, community is gaining popularity with non-developer focused companies as well.

No matter the size or target market of the organization, community-led companies have access to a wealth of firmographic, behavioral, and technographic data points about their end-users that can better inform the go-to-market. Community data that is fully operationalized is fuel for revenue growth, which makes it a highly attractive initiative to pursue. However, community is nebulous since the motion is so new, and most companies have little experience.

Watch our expert speakers, Whitney Rothe (Insight Partners), Lucia Manzo (Hivebrite), and Welsey Faulkner (Community Pulse), provide tactical guidance on how to establish your community and further connect your community to drive business value.

Download the ScaleUp Guide to Community-Led Growth