1. Jon Oringer, Shutterstock Founder and CEO
This year, Shutterstock founder and CEO Jon Oringer became NYC's first tech startup billionaire. He also created one of the internet’s first pop-up blockers and is a certified commercial helicopter pilot.
Shutterstock, a stock photo and video site, went public last October.
The 39-year-old owns about 55% of Shutterstock. His 18.5 million shares were valued at $1 billion in June.
2. David Karp, founder and CEO of Tumblr
David Karp became fantastically rich this year when Tumblr sold to Yahoo for $1.1 billion. Karp resides in a "mildly Steampunk" apartment in Williamsburg, a young, hip neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. He loves New York and simply doesn't understand why anyone would want to live in Silicon Valley, even though many of his business peers are based there.
24. Larry Handen, Hilary Gosher, Jeff Horing, Jeff Lieberman, Alex Crisses, Deven Parekh, Richard Wells, Ryan Hinkle, Michael Triplett, Peter Sobiloff, Managing directors of Insight Venture Partners
Insight Venture Partners, the firm behind Tumblr and Twitter, had a big year. In May, Insight Venture Partners' portfolio company Tumblr sold to Yahoo for $1.1 billion. Just a week later, IVP announced that it closed a massive new $2.57 billion fund.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/silicon-alley-100-2013-2013-10?op=1#ixzz2ilZt4Fn2