[Recording] Winning in 2023: Sales KPIs for Sustainable Growth

December 05, 2022| 1 min. read

Prediction: “Efficient growth” will be a buzzy phrase for SaaS startups in 2023 – and for good reason. In the new macroeconomic environment, your business will need to focus on sustainable growth more than ever. An effective way to keep efficiency at the forefront is by heading into next year with the right sales KPIs in mind.

Tune in to hear from Operating Partner Pablo Dominguez (Insight Partners) as he shares his learnings from working directly with hundreds of startups and their go-to-market teams. He is joined by CEOs Jordan Rackie (Keyfactor) and Neha Sampat (Contentstack), for the SaaS leaders’ POVs on successfully balancing the goals of growing sales teams and investors.

During this session, our panelists cover:

(4:33) – Why sustainable growth matters in 2023

(11:56) – KPI #1 – Customer Acqusision Cost (CAC) & CAC Payback

(12:30) – How do you optimize sales and marketing spend?

(17:27) – Knowing that CAC efficiency is more important than ever in the current economy, how do you see low touch, product-led sales motion fitting in for B2B SaaS companies?

(20:41) – From a valuation multiple perspective, are there diminishing marginal returns beyond a certain level of efficiency? Should we trade off efficiency for growth beyond a certain number for CAC Payback months?

(23:23) – KPI #2 – Net Revenue Retention (NRR)

(24:20) – How can you use NRR to impact valuation expectations?

(26:42) – What are leading indicators of NRR?

(34:37) – KPI #3 – Quota Attainment

(35:53) – As a CEO how do you work with your CRO/CFO to come up with a realistic revenue target for next year and balanced targets for your sales reps?

(41:33) – As the head of the company, how do you align the goals between your CRO and your CMO?


View ScaleUp by the Numbers: SaaS Sales KPIs for Startups at Every Stage


Disclaimer: Insight Partners is an investor in Contentstack and Keyfactor.