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Investor’s POV: The Impact of Generative AI on the Future of SaaS

1 min. read

Generative AI isn’t new – so what has made the innovation over the past several months so disruptive?

Managing Directors Ganesh Bell and George Mathew weigh in on how this wave of generative AI is changing the future of software. Our panelists also share their perspectives on the areas they are most excited to see generative AI disrupt and the implications for software founders.

Check out the key points we covered

AI is really taking off – Why now? arrow-orange-45
How do you think about identifying durable companies? arrow-orange-45
What are some verticals you are particularly excited about? arrow-orange-45
With the advent of new foundation models like GPT-4, we can automate data training and make it faster. Do we still need traditional MLOps tools focused on data training, or will we fully migrate onto LLM-powered data training and automation tools? arrow-orange-45
Given the opportunity surrounding generative AI, what advice do you have for software founders as they think about their product roadmap? arrow-orange-45
How can software companies think about leveraging generative Ai for internal efficiency or improving customer experience? arrow-orange-45
How do you think about the implications of generative AI regarding talent and, more specifically, how it will impact researchers transitioning to operational/entrepreneurial roles? arrow-orange-45
What advice do you have for founders considering generative AI to create internal efficiencies versus as a feature/value proposition for customers? arrow-orange-45

Dive Deeper - The Next Stack: Generative AI from an Investor Perspective

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