Scale Up Watch recording

ScaleUp:CEO – A SaaS Leader’s Guide to Entering a New Market or Segment

1 min. read

You’ve achieved product-market-fit – congrats! Entering the growth stage of your ScaleUp means facing a new set of challenges critical for growth and scale. One of the most significant decisions you will likely face is entering a new market or segment. 

During this session, our GTM experts share their step-by-step guide on entering a new market or segment and discuss the essential elements to evaluate and adjust.

The speakers also walk you through addressing which components of your business are most impacted when expanding into new horizons with the Growth Acceleration Framework in hand.  


Additional Resources: Generative AI, SEO, and what leaders should know: Google search in the future


Check out the key points we covered

B2B SaaS Growth Framework Introduction arrow-orange-45
US Market Expansion Challenges arrow-orange-45
Moving to Enterprise Segment arrow-orange-45
Marketing Before Sales Reps arrow-orange-45
Leveraging Success in New Markets arrow-orange-45
Upmarket vs. Downmarket Expansion arrow-orange-45
Staying Focused on Revenue and Impact of Sales; SEO & Demand Gen arrow-orange-45
Role of Analyst Firms and Examples of What Not to Do arrow-orange-45
Email Marketing in the US Market + Technical Marketing Content Outsourcing arrow-orange-45
AI Tools for Translation arrow-orange-45
Meet the Panelists:
Pablo Dominguez

Operating Partner

Travis Kassay

Operating Partner