Winning in 2023: Sales KPIs for Sustainable Growth

1 min. read

Prediction: “Efficient growth” will be the buzziest phrase for SaaS startups in 2023 – and for good reason. In the new macroeconomic environment, your business will need to focus on sustainable growth more than ever. An effective way to keep efficiency at the forefront is by heading into next year with the right sales KPIs in mind.

This December, hear from Operating Partner Pablo Dominguez (Insight Partners) as he shares his learnings from working directly with hundreds of startups and their go-to-market teams. He’ll be joined by CEOs Jordan Rackie (Keyfactor) and Neha Sampat (Contentstack), for the SaaS leaders’ POVs on successfully balancing the goals of growing sales teams and investors.

During this session, we will answer:

> How can the changing economic environment affect your 2023 goals?

> Which sales KPIs are most important for efficient growth?

> How have other CEOs/founders learned to grow efficiently by working closely with their sales teams and investors?